How do you walk?


How do you walk?

Not too long ago during coffee hour after church someone remarked to me how little Johnny sure walked like his dad (who walks like his dad …J). I look at my daughters and they, they walk like Tim – their longtime Sunday School teacher, and inspire in all things good (and occasional mischief). They even wear the same shoes! It makes me smile to walk behind them and see their “Tim walk” and think of all the good connections they’ve had from their relationship there and from all their church family.

How do you and the people you love and care about walk? Have you ever thought about it? We learn our “walk” from the people who surround us.

Not only do we have a physical walk to consider – we all have a spiritual “walk”. What does your spiritual walk look like? Is it filled with love and hope? Is it a source of kindness and joy? Do you feel forgiveness and comfort and have forgiveness and comfort to offer? Or does it feel burdened, heavy with judgment, and gloom? Do you still struggle with fears? About yourself and others? Or inspired by Jesus’ walk of kindness and care are you finding ways to make your spiritual walk a walk of peace?

Our “walk” resembles the walk of those who have great influence on us, it may be fun to think about who you “physically” walk like – or who those you love “walk” like but it is so important to be intentional about what our spiritual walk will be like – there you have a choice and you can change it up – that’s the salvation, the good news, the abundant life Jesus offers – Come and see, he invited those around him. See how I walk in the world, walk with others, walk with God – See the love, see the kindness, see the peace, see the hope and see if this isn’t a way you want to walk as well!

See you as you walk into church!

Pastor Susan Howe from years past

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